Currently employed with the U.S. Department of State as a Foreign Service Officer.
Since May 2005 I have been serving in Bogotá, Colombia.
I have traveled the world; my assignments include the following embassy positions:
Nairobi, Kenya–3 years in the Regional Security Office and the Administrative Office.
(I survived the August 1998 embassy bombing in the basement elevator.)
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania–3 years in the Ambassador’s Office.
(Vacationed on Zanzibar and visited game parks on safaris.)
Monterrey, Mexico–2 years as Vice Consul.
(Adjudicated more than 22,000 visas.)
Bogotá, Colombia&2 years as Human Resources Officer
(Learning a new trade–quite a challenge!)
May 2007 until retirement as Human Resources Officer
(Unknown future postings—true adventure!)
Longing to return to the National Parks Service—worked for five years in Yosemite, Lassen Volcanic, and Grand Teton National Parks. Planning to retire in the forest in Northeast California; winters in Mexico.