I have been married to my wonderful wife, Judy, for 37 years. We have
two great daughters and four grandchildren who live close by in
Massachusetts. After a 23 year career with the FDA in the enforcement
area, I began doing consulting with the pharmaceutical, biotechnology
and medical device industries in 1995, predominately on manufacturing
quality and regulatory compliance issues for marketed products. I
currently work in that field as Vice President, Strategic Compliance
Services, for Parexel Consulting
http://www.parexel.com. Client work takes me all
over North America, Europe, the far east, and occasional forays to other
parts of the world. My wife enjoys accompanying me on as many of my
trips as we can manage, which makes all the travel much more enjoyable.
We have lived in Massachusetts; Lake Oswego, Oregon; Cherry Hill, New
Jersey; Walnut Creek (CA); and Atlanta, Georgia prior to returning to
Massachusetts about four years ago. I have many fond memories of Uni,
despite having spent much of my high school career surfing and avoiding
classwork. (That didn't seem to hinder me any career-wise, thankfully.)
I'm still in touch with a few of our classmates and am happy to hear
from others.
Dave Chesney